Title: To Spark Creator: TheFoxinator Rating: K Setting: AU between seasons six and seven Summary/Prompt: Smudge: To Switch a Witch (AU) Word Count: 100 Note: Sequel to The Wrong Part
Title: Survivors Creator: TheFoxinator Rating: K Setting: Post-"Not Fade Away" AU Summary/Prompt: Smudge: The Ghouliest Show on Earth (AU) Word Count: 174
Title: Mystery Creep Creator: drizzlydaze Rating: PG Setting: AU Word count: 165 Prompt: Jeepers, It’s the Creeper (comedy) A/N: Sequel to Scooby Gang. I think creeper!Spike is too creepy and gross to be funny, but here you go.
Title: Reflections in a Yellow Eye Creator: drizzlydaze Rating: PG Setting: AU Word count: 155 Prompt: The Sorcerer’s a Menace (angst) A/N: Refers to events in Movie Night and Flamingo Yo-Yo, which were both prompted by The Sorcerer’s a Menace - but as fluff. This one’s angst. Previously - Business As Usual, Flour Disaster, Movie Night, How to Make
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Title: World With Gator Ghoul Creator: drizzlydaze Rating: PG Setting: AU (in the World Without Gator Ghoul, it is S5) Word count: 353 Prompt: The Gruesome Game of the Gator Ghoul (AU)